Session 4:
Choosing who we want to be
Session overview
By examining what's happening with Kwan and the other characters and how they behave towards each other, Session Four raises questions about whether they are bad people or merely good people acting badly. In addition, it explores why someone might choose to behave poorly towards someone else: Are they actually bad or simply feeling vulnerable and acting in ways to protect or defend themselves?
Is Ella a bad person to say such nasty things? Is Kwan a bad person in how he reacts to Ella? Or are they both good people making poor choices? If we don't appreciate how others might feel, if we don't empathise with their position, then might we act in the same way too?
The characters' actions provide a juxtaposition to help learners consider, compare and contrast their situations. This activity prepares them for subsequent sessions, which explore the steps young people must take to become who they choose and, perhaps more significantly, how they can help each other to achieve the same.
A. Session aims & objectives
Discuss different types of 'pressure' and how we might develop strategies to cope with these
Build empathy and an awareness of others
B. Learning outcomes
I can explain how different pressures might affect how people feel and behave
I can empathise with different viewpoints and perspectives
C. Terminology introduced
EMPATHY: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
PRESSURE: Influence, persuasion or intimidation to get someone to do something, i.e. peer pressure.
D. Resources required
❏ Kwan's story comic
❏ Slide pack for Session Four
(note: some activity slides are blank for you to make use of as you wish)
Session title
Learning outcomes for Session Four
Starter Activity — Empathising with Kwan
Activity 1 — Under pressure - Kwan's letter
Definition of pressure
Activity 2 — What are they thinking?
Example of Resource Sheet 4b: What are they thinking?
Definition of empathy
Plenary — Learning to cope
Learning outcomes for Session Four
❏ Resource Sheet 4a: Letter to Dad
❏ Resource Sheet 4b: What are they thinking?
E. Assessment opportunities
In the plenary, the answers pupils give about Kwan's behaviour will enable teachers to assess their understanding of coping mechanisms and, in particular, to make judgements about potential support pupils might need to develop their own coping strategies.
Starter activity: Empathising with Kwan
Pupils will focus on Kwan, the events in his life and how he might feel, building empathy with his character while introducing the question: Are people inherently bad, or do they sometimes act badly?
Recap and review ground rules as a class.
Discuss any rules that worked well and any that didn't – do they need to change? Make amendments if required. Ensure pupils are clear about why ground rules are used and why they are so important.
Slide 2: Learning outcomes for Session Four
Slide 3: Starter Activity — Empathising with Kwan
Hand out devices with Kwan's story.
As a whole class, briefly review Kwan's story so far and then read to the next check point (see below).
For pupils using iPads: the story will stop at the appropriate point and ask for check point 3 password (need)
For pupils using non-iPad devices: the story will stop at the end of Episode 3
In this scene, Kwan has received a letter from his Dad suggesting a change (i.e. living with him because of his mum's circumstances and growing concern).
Activity one: Under pressure - Kwan's letter
This activity offers an opportunity to reflect on Kwan's situation and the pressure he is under, empathising with him. The combination of the online provocation he gets from playing the game, the difficulties he's having with Ella and the letter from his father hinting at a potential move are all real challenges that children might encounter, driving them to feel vulnerable. These have an increasing impact on Kwan and his behaviour that will play out later in the story and be explored in subsequent activities.
Slide 4: Activity 1 — Under Pressure - Kwan's Letter
Encourage pupils to think about the letter Kwan has received from his Dad.
How might this make him feel?
Should he go and live with his Dad?
What are the pros and cons of a move?
Discuss how this will make him feel and what he might choose to do to make himself feel better.
Encourage pupils to consider how the end result of some changes can be positive and bring resolution or closure to a situation. However, amid those changes, it's essential to recognise and acknowledge how we feel (and how those feelings sway our thinking), particularly when making choices that could affect our future.
Hand out Resource Sheet 4a: Letter to Dad
Using the content from the previous discussion, write a response from Kwan to his Dad articulating how he feels. You should construct your letter by focusing only on why you believe Kwan should not move to live with his Dad and any negatives associated with this.
Save the pupils' letters as they will be further developed in Session Eight.
Activity two: What are they thinking?
This activity explores how easy it can be to react to people based solely on assumptions, misconceptions or circumstances in a particular moment. It also helps pupils develop their sense of empathy by getting them to think about how others might see a situation differently and what they can do themselves to avoid upset caused by misunderstanding.
In pairs, pupils should read up to the next check point (see below). As they do so, they should note down the characteristics of each character they meet.
For pupils using iPads: the story will stop at the appropriate point and ask for check point 4 password (dilemma)
For pupils using non-iPad devices: the story will stop at the end of Episode 4
Teaching tip
Run this activity as a role-play to enable pupils to really put themselves in the shoes of the characters and understand their perspectives.
On the sheet is a reworded scene from the story in which the characters think unkind thoughts.
Think back to the basic human needs we all have and how these might impact what the characters are thinking. In particular, consider how Kwan might feel after getting the letter from his Dad. Imagine them thinking the following:
Kwan: I'm going to make Ella wish she'd never been born!
Ella: Am I the only one that thinks Kwan looks like a garden gnome?
Crowd: It's funny seeing Kwan so upset!
In pairs, rewrite what each character could be thinking, turning them into a more positive or empathetic statement.
Allow pupils sufficient time to discuss and record their responses.
Were the characters 'bad people' or 'good people acting badly'?
How did you reframe what those characters were thinking? How did you help them to show empathy?
Pupils should share and discuss their ideas. If they struggle, examples might include:
Kwan: I'm going to talk to Ella about how she's making me feel. I want to be friends again.
Ella: Hi, Kwan, you'll never believe this video. It's the funniest thing. Come and look.
Crowd: I don't like seeing Kwan upset. What could I do to help him feel better?
Plenary: Learning to cope
Pupils must understand that everyone sometimes feels the pressure of their lives and that we won't know when these moments happen more often than not. Therefore it's beneficial to talk to someone about it. In the Year 5 module, pupils mapped their networks and connections, paying particular attention to having several 'trusted adults' they could turn to for help or advice. This activity provides an excellent opportunity to remind them of this.
How is Kwan coping?
Is he escaping what's happening by playing online and not talking to Ella about how he feels?
What would Captain Q do in Kwan's situation? e.g. would he take responsibility for his actions rather than hiding in the game?
Would he talk to Ella?
How can we take responsibility for ourselves and each other?
Slide 12: Learning outcomes for Session Four
Recap the key learning outcomes in light of today's discussions.
Remind pupils that they are becoming better and better at making decisions as each week passes.
Delivery resources

Delivery checklist

Resource sheet(s)

Slides (PDF)

Slides (PowerPoint)
For iPad Kwan's story app users
Check point 3 password: need
For iPad Kwan's story app users
Check point 4 password: dilemma
For non-iPad Kwan's story users
Access code: T7CmY